Internal Auditing

Paterson-Internal Audit helps organizations improve achievement of their objectives by providing expert advice on operations, performance and internal controls; conducting a compliance assessment between adopted procedures and envisioned policies; and an assessment of best practices implementation within the organization.

Risk Assessment Services

This service is designed to assist clients in risk identification, evaluation, risk management performance and implementation of compliance programs to ensure that managerial activities are conducted in accordance with national laws and regulations.

Internal Control Structure Assessment

This service involves adequacy assessment of the internal control structure design and testing of operating effectiveness to determine whether risks are being managed and/or mitigated, in addition to suggesting recommendations to address any identified weaknesses.

Corporate Governance Audit

Paterson-Internal Audit has a team of qualified experts in the field of corporate governance processes who are able to deliver high-quality services to their clients by providing professional assessment and recommendations in terms of ethical climate, values, performance control and risk management.

Audit Committee Advisory

Paterson–Internal Audit conducts assessments and provides audit committees with advisory services to increase governance efficiency.

Audit and Assurance

Financial Statement Audit

Our External Auditors are committed to delivering independent and effective audit of financial statements to maintain the confidence of creditors, investors and other stakeholders who rely on accurate financial statements. We provide quality assurance services to help ensure that our client’s financial statements meet all regulatory and business requirements.

Information Technology (IT) Audit

The Paterson-IT Audit team conducts examination and evaluation of a client’s information technology infrastructure for any security risks within its system, and offers adequate solutions and recommendations on controls for managing such risks effectively and efficiently.

Forensic Accounting Services

Our approach is to tackle fraud quickly, sensitively, confidentially, and carefully. Paterson-Audit has highly trained certified fraud examiners that can perform fraud risk assessments, investigate areas of high risk, and assist in the detection and prevention of fraud.

We offer the following services:

  •  Investigation of fraud and misconduct
  • Forensic Technology solutions services
  • Dispute services
  • Expert witness services

Other Assurance Services:

Special Purpose Audit

Paterson-Audit team goes the extra mile to assist its clients by conducting special purpose audits required for the purposes of various stakeholders. We offer a complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance with accounting standards; a component of a complete set of general purpose or special purpose financial statements, specified accounts, elements of accounts, or items of financial statement; compliance with contractual agreements; and summarized financial statements.

Review of Interim Financial Information

Our procedures involve making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters and applying analytical and other review procedures to complete the report

Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUP)

An Agreed-upon procedure (AUP) involves an auditor performing standard audit procedures concerning specific items of financial data, a financial statement or even a complete set of financial statements, which the auditor, the client and any appropriate third parties have agreed upon. An AUP only reports factual findings.

In Paterson-Audit we conduct AUP engagements in accordance with the “Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants” issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and in compliance with the individual specific terms that have been agreed upon in such engagements.

Examination of Prospective Financial Information

This service offered by the Paterson-Audit team aims at estimating and issuing an opinion on future financial results and issuing an opinion on this based on future-oriented evidence and assumptions. This type of examination is used mainly in budget analysis and prospective financial information contained in other documents.

Partners For Success