Debt Issuance

Paterson-Capital performs a comprehensive study to provide institutions with a baseline for assessing the impact of borrowing on the financial position of the institution. Our team of experts analyse the institution’s financial framework, its current and future capital financing needs, and provides a preliminary exploration and analysis of various financing alternatives.

Before developing a financing plan, our team will meet with the institution’s management, financial staff, and board of trustees in order to set up a comprehensive plan which will help the institution fulfill its future strategic objectives. This will facilitate informed decision making relative to future capital financing needs, capital campaign requirements, and potential revenue increases.

Paterson-Capital reviews alternatives and identifies the most beneficial course of action. We help structure bond issue to be cost-effective and attractive to buyers and assist the institution in the identification and selection of the various parties involved in the debt issuance process, which may include underwriters, marketing agents, bond/Sukuk insurance companies, bond counsel, and trustees.

We are responsible for the following tasks:

  • Coordinating financing structures with the underwriter according to the specific needs of the institution.
  • Negotiating overall upfront costs, ongoing costs, and interest rate costs.
  • Assisting the institution in preparation of rating agency presentations.
  • Assisting in negotiation of fees, terms and conditions of credit enhancements provided by bond insurance companies and/or letter-of-credit banks.
  • Reviewing and assessing issuance of cost appropriation including the underwriter’s discount, remarketing fees, counsel fees, and trustee fees.
  • Evaluation of interest rate(s) proposed by the underwriter according to the current market.
  • Compilation of the official statement appendix with financial and summary information on the institution as required for disclosure purposes by the rating agencies, letter-of-credit bank or insurance companies.

Asset Management

Paterson-Capital’s approach to asset management helps in delivering strong, consistent results built on our global resources and relationships, thoughtful analysis and research, as well as effective risk management.

Asset management serves the investment needs of institutions and individuals around the world. Our understanding of local economies, industries and cultures helps us develop global relationships over time, and assists us in delivering what clients want most: access to a wide range of investment opportunities, risk-adjusted performance and solid, consistent returns over time.

Capital assets need to be actively managed, whether they are real estate assets, industrial assets, production assets or information technology assets. A business process-driven approach to asset management provides organizations with a set of well-defined, actionable steps to improve asset maintenance, costs, asset value and production efficiency which lead to enhanced performance and cost cutting in support of overall enterprise strategy.

Corporate Finance

Paterson-Capital corporate finance service covers the region with a well-established national and regional network. We provide creative solutions that can add value to our clients’ businesses. Due to our unrivalled experience and knowledge across a broad range of sectors, we provide our clients with objective and specialized advice and assist them in creating and extracting value.

We work closely with shareholders and senior management to provide comprehensive financial advice and expertise in the execution of mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, restructurings, private placements, privatizations and equity capital markets to clients, ranging from corporations and private equity to financial institutions and governments. We offer greater value to our clients throughout all stages of the transaction process. We understand and know the local market requirements combined with an understanding of economies and cultures derived from our extensive and expandable relationships with clients in the region to whom we provide our services locally and internationally.

Due Diligence (Legal / Financial)

Paterson-Capital provides its clients with valuable due diligence reports and business analyses that play an integral role in their decision-making and negotiation processes. We offer a confidential, sound, unbiased perspective and the ideal complement to internal resources.

The complexity of today’s business transactions and relations drives the need to obtain timely and accurate intelligence. Public information on a company and its principals is often insufficient, outdated or difficult to obtain. However, at Paterson-Capital, we provide our clients with a full report based on the acquired intelligence, enabling them to make sound policy judgment before engaging in any major contracts or alliances. We investigate and examine all available information to determine any obligations, fines, or penalties imposed on the business, in addition to any rights entitlements of the business.

Our due diligence services include:

  • Financial profile analysis
  • On- and off -shore investigations
  • Complete legal evaluation of the checked documents and obligations in the signed contracts and agreements.
  • Assuring client legitimacy of the prospective steps according to the related commercial and business laws.
  • A thorough and detailed report on all commercial and legal obligations of the concerned company.

Capital Services Strategy

Our strategy practice assists with investigation and resolution of critical strategic issues related to business and future plans. We ensure correct strategic objectives for entering into a transaction by identifying any challenges that may be inherent and pursuing appropriate methods in future plans.

Our professionals apply their expertise to understanding the target company’s business and determine if it meets strategic investment or acquisition criteria; they evaluate all aspects of the post-transaction company’s go-forward strategy, giving special attention to the company’s position in the market and its ability to achieve desired business objectives, such as financial exits, revenue targets, and market share goals. We also compare and contrast alternative strategies to determine
the best approaches for moving forward.

During this process, we continuously update our clients with the latest findings, and upon completion of the project, a series of end products is prepared depending on the nature of the engagement.

Risk Management

Risk management is a unique service that we provide based on capital methodologies that enable financial institutions to quantify the risks they face, the capital needed to cover them and the real risk-adjusted returns that are being made or those that should be targeted. We undertake the whole process starting from the assessment of both credit and market risks, utilizing the diversity of professionals in Paterson-Capital to implement and develop risk management procedures through design, building, integration and validation.

The overriding benefits are the ability to enhance strategic and tactical decision making and optimize shareholder wealth. Evaluation can help organizations to spot threats and weaknesses, identify opportunities that may be missed by competitors and target investment where it can earn its best return. It can also help to align risk appetite with capital allocation and communicate the business’s tangible strengths and potentials to analysts, investors and rating agencies.

Initial Public Offering (IPO) and Security Offering

Going public is a complex, costly, time-consuming and stressful process. However, Paterson-Capital experts will plan and manage every step required to complete an Initial Public Offering. When instructing us to manage the process, your corporate objectives can be achieved faster, easier and often at a lower cost.

Our capital market consultants advise issuers, underwriters, placement agents and initial purchasers in public and private offerings of securities. We offer our capital market clients in-depth understanding and expertise in every major industry.

Paterson-Capital professionals develop a proactive, systematic and integrated approach to applying corporate governance and compliance requirements. We encourage companies to implement corporate governance standards, not only as regulatory obligations, but as value drivers as well.

Partners For Success